E-tech Express is a full-service IT consulting company. We work mostly with small to medium-sized businesses. Computers are the center of both B2B and B2C industries these days, and we want to give our clients the best ability to have their data secure and the networks efficient so we can watch them grow into successful enterprises in Cincinnati for years to come. We’re like computers with hearts.

Our Focus is on You

Whether you just have one personal computer or a fleet for your business, we are in this business for the people. Often times, IT consultants are these Wizard of Oz-veiled people yelling at you through the internet ether, but not at E-Tech. Come visit us at our office and see for yourself.


Trusted E-Tech Professionals Have. . .

  • Degrees
  • Certifications
  • Decades of Experience
  • Experience in the Government Sector
  • Over a decade in business, helping thousands of clients across the Greater Cincinnati Area